Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The years you spend in 11th and 12th are dubbed as the 'most crucial' years of your studies."Boy, just put in your best for these two years and you will enjoy the rest of your life.Get into a college of your(read my) choice and then the life is FREEEEEEEEEEEEE."

All right, I've done it , now what? I want my freeeee life, I want to enjoy.
why the hell should I burn my ass for something which i dread? why the shit can I not be proficient in what i like? Why do you build barriers around me to direct my actions to one listless thing called'study'? Why is it that i need herculean strength to break through those barriers to pursue my interests.? Why d i feel like disobeying the ones who love me?

Give me a way,give me some support. I am weak,let me grow, let me make mistakes, let me find my way.Let me exult in the glory of MY achievements.